Ed Cherlin: an OLPC News writer
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i think this is a wonderful thing that you guys are trying to do. i am a school child my self and i cant wait untile something like this happens at my school.. i Live in Aline Oklahoma and i think that my school is the smallest in the world untile i watched a video on 60 i cant belive that there was a smaller school than what i go to i was amazed! thanks for the invention!!
Order Date: November 2007, from Canada
Order Method: credit card. Early December they also took out shipping costs, without telling me they would.
Known/Assumed Problem: They apparently lost my address. I supplied it again.
Communications: Sporadic statements of regret. Ambiguous shipping dates ("within 45 to 60 days", "in the January February time frame") in emails, phone calls elicited no better information. On top of no laptop delivered, no tax receipt and requests for info on latter ignored.
Hope Coefficient: Zero. Canceled order, awaiting refund to credit card. Already hasn't arrived in time frame they stated on phone. Surprise. Based on performance so far, anticipate refund will never happen until I take action through credit card.
If they aren't able to do this right, I have no faith they will deliver machines anywhere. Great machine, great idea. Too bad
I noticed my OLPC from the G1G1 program would only play one song at a time so
I bough a SD card and put my ogg collection on it. (I'm prejudiced, I don't use
mp3's.) Then I loaded oggvorbis tools, typed ogg123 -Z /media/path/tothemusic * in
the terminal activity and now my XO is an oggplayer! Thanks to others who figured
this out for me, I just read a lot of posts until I found something that worked
for me.