I'm Mikul Patel, a final year student at the University of Portsmouth in Business Information Technology and I am undertaking some research for my dissertation.
My research is investigating how the business model used by One Laptop per Child (OLPC) has impacted on its success. From the survey, I aim to get some brief views from actual users of the XO laptop or from people with an interest in the project. With the results from the survey, I intend to produce quantitative graphs, analyse the comments and extract quotations. You can take this survey here:

I have no direct link with OLPC and I simply chose to base my dissertation around OLPC because it is a company that interests me and my personal tutor agrees with it being an interesting topic to discuss.
I would like to thank you in advance for your help and if you have further questions, please ask them here: OLPC News Forum: OLPC Questionnaire