There has been a great deal of media attention on the 'One Laptop Per Child' (OLPC) project since the announcement of a "$100 laptop" over five years ago. Most of this attention focuses on its potential to address the educational challenges in developing countries. Much less is known about what is actually happening on-the-ground with the various implementations underway around the world - including in South America, which is home to the largest OLPC roll-outs.
Christoph Derndorfer, co-editor of OLPC News, co-founder of OLPC Austria, and Sugar Labs volunteer has just arrived from an extended tour of One Laptop Per Child deployments in Uruguay, Paraguay, and Peru. His independent investigation of XO-1 laptop usage is unique - he brings an insiders perspective of OLPC success yet an outsiders viewpoint on it's challenges.
Christoph will present his impressions of educational innovations in the context of South America and in relation to OLPC activity in Nepal and Europe. Christoph will be joined by Wayan Vota, publisher of OLPC News and moderator of the Educational Technology Debate, and Cristian Aedo, an expert on Uruguay and Argentina for the World Bank.
Their talk will shed light not only on issues specific to OLPC, but, more broadly, highlight practical issues related to the use of educational technologies to help meet a wide variety of educational challenges and goals in developing countries.
OLPC in South America Update
Monday, August 30th, 12:30-2pm
World Bank
Room I 1-200, 1750 I Street NW
Washington DC (map)
Note the location and time. This event is being organized by the World Bank and will be mid-day at the I Street office. Please RSVP to confirmed attendance and arrive early to pass security in time.
What are the chances of getting real-time streaming video of this event for those of us who would like to attend but cannot due to distance? Similar video feeds are commonplace for other events such as the ISTE conference in Denver this past June:
Caryl, people are trying to set up streaming or at least recording of the presentation but it's not yet been confirmed whether everything can be arranged in time...