OLPC Australia's Recipe for One Education: Seed and Grow


Resumen en español al final del artículo

Two weeks ago we wrote about that thanks to $11 Million provided by the government OLPC Australia will be able to expand its project to an additional 50,000 children and teachers. The organization will do that via its One Education program which it describes as:

a grassroots initiative to empower teachers to lead local social change through the use of technology for education

Needless to say that I was very keen on learning more about this initiative. So I was thrilled when Rangan Srikhanta (OLPC Australia's CEO) sent us a link to this blog post with more information about One Education and a beautiful 90-second animation narrated by the Australian actor Michael Caton:

As previously mentioned we'll provide more coverage of One Education over the coming weeks and months. So if you have any questions about the program then let us know by posting a comment below and we'll do our best to have them answered in our upcoming posts.

Resumen en español Hace dos semanas que escribimos que OLPC Australia recibirá 11 millones de dólares del gobierno australiano, que permitirá a la organización ampliar su programa con 50.000 XO. OLPC Australia tambien lanzó One Education lo que describe como "una iniciativa de base para empoderar a los profesores para liderar el cambio social a nivel local a través del uso de la tecnología para la educación". Hay más información sobre esta iniciativa en este articulo y además les recomiendo ver la animación integrada arriba para aprender más sobre este enfoque.


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Ever since the media wrote about the study - and conclusions were uniform across the spectrum as to the fact that the OLPC program is of zero value in education - the OLPC has been trying to spin this way and that in order to try and hose down evidence that is out there on the net, evidence that clearly indicates that the whole project is just tampering with the early years of the most vulnerable in our world - children in poor and developing countries.


I imagine you and Sam Varghese would get along really well... :-)
