Resumen en español al final del artículo

In keeping with our 2-week rhythm Mike Lee (of OLPC Learning Club DC fame) and myself will host OLPC Oceania's Ian Thomson and long-term volunteer Nick Doiron in an Unleash Kids Hangout On Air session next week. During this week's preparations for the session Ian mentioned some of the topics he wants to cover:
- The role of OLPC Oceania and its supporting people and agencies. I think it is rare to have such a regional role
- How we work by supporting Ministries of Education
- Some lessons learned
I'm really looking forward to this session as the various OLPC projects in the Pacific are the ones I probably know least about. Plus with many of them being in remote and isolated locations it's fair to say that they face many challenges when it comes to implementation aspects such as infrastructure.
With Mike being in Washington, D.C., myself living in Vienna and Ian calling in from Fiji we're covering quite a lot of timezones in this Hangout On Air session. You can tune in live at on Monday, July 8, 2013 at 6PM EDT / 2200 UTC which is Tuesday, July 9, 2013 at 9AM FJT (if you're having trouble figuring out what time that is in your location I recommend the excellent worldtimebuddy website). Alternatively you can of course also watch the recording on YouTube afterwards where you'll also find the recordings of our past Hangouts which covered projects in Afghanistan, Nepal, and the recent School Server Community Edition (XSCE) efforts.
Resumen en español: El 22/23 de julio Mike Lee (de OLPC Learning Club DC) y yo hablaran con Ian Thomson (de OLPC Oceania) y Nick Doiron (voluntario en varios proyectos de OLPC en los ultimos años) en un episodio Unleash Kids Hangout On Air. Vamos a hablar sobre el rol regional de OLPC Oceania, su trabajo con varios ministerios de educación y unas lecciones aprendidas. Seguro que será una conversación muy interesante y les recomiendo a verla en vivo en en el lunes, 22 de julio 2013 a las 6PM EDT / 2200 UTC lo que es martes, 23 de julio 9:00 FJT.