OLPC Give One Get One Has Started!!!!


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Has anyone received a purchase confirmation e-mail?

Oddly, the person on the phone didn't mention the shipping charges to me at all... which makes me nervous that my order won't go through (irrational fear).

Happy XO day, everyone!

I ordered mine by phone, the website wouldn't let me order it with a UK billing address (even though it is paypal it wouldn't let me do a separate shipping address. By phone worked fine there was no discussion of shipping charges which is odd, but I have an order confirmation number.

I placed my order through the web page. It was a quick and easy process. Confirmation email from PayPal came promptly.

Any idea about when these ship?


I hope we get XO's by Christmas, but the OLPC email didn't make any promises or projections:

"This is the only time we're making the XO laptop available to the public and quantities are limited, so early purchasers have a better chance of receiving their XO laptops by the holidays."

Nothing like a surprise!

I ordered online at 6:05 am, and received a prompt confirmation via email (from PayPal). The PayPacl side of the online transition was a bit sluggish, which may (or may not) indicate that there were a lot of people making purchases.

Anyone know accessories (if any) will be included in the box when it arrives? I assume that there will an AC power adapter, but the OLPC web site mentions things like solar power adapters, which I assume will *not* be included. What documentation will be in the box? Just wondering.

I ordered 4 xo laptops via telephone Nov 12 at 4:59am. There were no shipping charges either. But that is what I expected since I called 1-800-201-7144 Friday and asked if shipping was extra and they said "no". Wonder why website orders have to pay extra for shipping?

I ordered by phone (and will get my XO forwarded to me in Australia) but I need to give the forwarder the details, and I haven't as yet received any sort of confirmation email. Has anyone else who ordered by phone received any sort of confirmation? [obsessively clicks "Refresh Email" button]

Paypal isn't working for me: "This payment cannot be completed and your account has not been charged. Please contact your merchant for more information." US billing & shipping address. Will have to use the phone.

I ordered mine at 4AM PST and had a confirmation immediately from PayPal, but as already mentioned -- no shipping date!

Like everyone else, I can't wait to get my hands on one of these guys and start "experimenting."

Another great part of the deal is the free access at T-Mobile Hotspots for a year.

Hello everyone. I successfully ordered 2 (=4) XO's on the xogiving website this morning about 6:30 am EST. The website worked quick at that time.

Here's what I was charged:

$798.00 for 2
$ 49.90 shipping
$847.90 total

This amount has already appeared on my credit card online statement, payable to "PAYPAL OLPCFOUNDAT"

I'd like to ask some of the previous posters who ordered by phone: can you check your credit card account online, and let us know if you were, in fact, billed shipping?


I called about 5:57 EST. When I mentioned the Give 1, Get 1 deal, the girl on the phone sounded like she didn't know what I was talking about so I had to repeat it again. Then she had to put me on hold for a minute. She came back and said I had to call back because it wouldn't let her process the G1G1 request since I'd called to early.

By this time it was about 6:05 and she told me I had to hang up and call back. At this point I was afraid I would get a busy signal when I called back since I figured they would be getting slammed. However, I got right through. The person who answered this time asked right away if I was calling about the G1G1 deal and also didn't mention anything about a shipping charge. I was going to ask if it came with the Solar charger, yo-yo charger, and rumored second battery but it sounded like she was reading from a script, so I didn't bother since I kinda figured the answer would be no. Hopefully, they will notify those of us who are participating in the G1G1 promotion when these items are available.

I also forgot to mention that when I ordered mine over the phone, there was no mention of the $24.95 shipping charge. The charge hasn't shown up yet and I haven't gotten a confirmation email yet.

I tried the phone line around 8pm last night (Sunday 11/11) and got through. An operator answered, and took my order. My confirmation number is a bit suspicious (very repetitive). I called again around 12 midnight because I just couldn't believe that I was able to order that early, I ordered again, and got the exact same suspicious confirmation number on my second order. I called the customer service number this morning at exactly 9 am and waited about 15 minutes. I spoke to someone who confirmed that they had no record of my purchases. She took my personal information and said that someone would call me back in 1-2 business days. I went ahead an purchased one through the web link (via PayPal) and got a receipt, but I still have not received an email confirmation.

If you purchased before 6 am EST, I suggest you call customer service at 1-800-201-7144 as soon as possible.

Thanks to everyone for relaying your experience. Looks like the "no shipping charges mentioned on the phone" is standard... and worrisome. I am fine with them going ahead and charging for shipping based on my zip code... but they REALLY should have mentioned that.

And the other reason I feel icky is that according to my online bank statement, the charge has not yet been processed.

So... do I go buy one online, just to hedge my bets?

*sigh* uncertainty!

The user "con" reported that he had an unusual confirmation number. It was "repeditive". That worries me because mine is also repetitive. All the same number in fact. I was also worried because I was not charged shipping on my phone order. I called customer service and they said they had a record of me giving a donation but didn't have any of the details. They also seemed unconcerned with the fact that phone orders don't charge shipping while internet orders do. But the representitive reaffirmed that shipping was not extra.

I ordered about 730 EST by phone. Shipping charges were not mentioned. It's about noon, and the credit card charge is not showing on my Citicard account.

We may be the beta testers for their fulfillment system as well as the computer.

Hmmm.... dunno guys. I ordered online and got my confirmation e-mailed at 6 AM EST. I got charged US$34.95 for shipping to Canada...


That was Jazzpad that mentioned the repetitive confirmation numbers. The way this site signs user names by separating it from the message with a line is confusing.

When they announced the cost of the laptop as $188 and were charging $399 for two, I assumed the extra $11 was going to go towards the shipping charges since it didn't sound like we were going to get the yo-yo charger, solar charger or spare battery.

Even though I called and was told that thipping was part of the $399 price, here is what I just found on the xogiving site...


4. Your payment of US$399 (or some multiple of that number if you wish to receive two or more XO laptops) does not include shipping and handling or any applicable sales or use tax.

From what I understand, the extra $11 is the cost of shipping the "gift" XO to a child in another country. Shipping to the U.S. buyer isn't included. I paid this morning online and got a confirmation from PayPal, which surprised me since I did NOT use my PayPal account for payment. However it appears PayPal is processing all of the online payments, whether you log in and use your own account or not. That does explain why the processing speed is so sluggish, though; I've found that PayPal has been extremely sluggish for several months now. Could be the extra security measures... I also am hoping we'll be offered the opportunity to buy alternate charging systems, I'd love to have a solar panel to use with mine!

I'm in California and had to get up at 2:45 AM for this. (I mean, obviously. I just had to.) I ordered over the web at 5:59 AM EST, according to http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timer.pl ;-)

I paid shipping, which doesn't bother me at all. More money to 'em, as far as I'm concerned. My receipt from paypal is a long complicated number, so there may indeed be cause for concern for those who have suspiciously simple numbers.

Now I'm going to be like the kid who ordered the magic kit, and runs out to the mail box at 6 am every day, full of hope.

Hi again. It's about 1:30 pm here on the East Coast now.

Here's what I guess, based on the posts in this thread: Pay Pal's doing online fulfillment, and whoever answers the phone for call orders is collecting their own data, with actual transaction processing to occur sometime later.

I don't see this as any reason to worry; I'm sure they're legit. But I would like those folks who ordered online to continue to check their credit accounts online, and to do us the favor of letting us know when their transaction actually posts to their account.

I expect that when the purchases do show up, the appropriate US or Canadian shipping will show up as well. And I'll be damn startled if it doesn't!

I don't mind the shipping charge.I feel like a kid in a candy store. :) Can't wait to open the XO up at my local Starbucks and see the stares I get. ;)

Anyone know what the max. Mesh networking distance is?

Are you having trouble with the G1G1 telephone ordering? Then check out the OLPC News workaround:



I placed my order online and got Paypal confirmation a few minutes before 6am (EST) today. Another post here alluded to the same. It seems the website was updated prior to the launch time. Did anyone else notice this?

It seemed to be updated just a few minutes before 6 AM. No more than five minutes before, I'd say.

I bought one of the XOs partly because I wanted to try and flesh out a separate OS using the Forth firmware.... Not sure how far I'll get before I lose my gumption... :)

Anyone else here got some neat hacks they're going to try on it?

I think it is a little odd that there is no additional information given on the laptop and the other contents. What battery will we get (2 or 4 cells LiFePO4; or 5 cells NiMH, approx. 6V series configuration)? Will it ship with a software recovery CD? Not to mention all the questions regarding the software itselft (the wiki doen't help very much), e.g. can I use a usb mass storage device, can i access a terminal and use the root account? The information policy isn't very good at all! I still orderd one ...

USB mass storage is fine, and the terminal is available as root. Not sure about the battery type though.


Yeah, it's not readily apparent, is it. But it just seemed like too much fun to pass up. :)

I ordered about noon. Took about 5 minutes. I got a confirmation call from PayPal about 15 min after I placed the order. Pretty well done, I'd say.

Now to get my emulator going!

I ordered online around 8am with no problems. I have my confirmation e-mail with a non-repetitive confirmation number. My credit card was already charged with the 24.95 shipping charge.

I read where a $200 donation includes shipping to the least developed countries, so if you weren't asked to pay additional shipping I think there is a pretty good chance that you made a $399 donation unless the phone operators weren't given complete information.

I guess all the documentation we could really expect about this is going to be on OLPC's wiki. It will be cool to see if there are any extra pieces in the box that arrives.

Someone asked about hacks... I don't know if this counts, but I'm very interested in getting an SSH client up and running and using it as a rugged/sunlight readable outdoor coding platform for robotics competitions that I participate in. Does anyone know if an SSH client comes preinstalled or would I have to add it?

someone asked about the range of the mesh networking... I heard in one of the talks on the OLPC wiki that the range would be 2km, but that seems pretty far fetched to me (can't find the video link now :-/. I was able to find plenty of articles claiming 2-3 times the range of conventional wireless though.

I ordered by phone at 4:59am this morning. It is now 7:44pm. No order confirmation email, and the money has not been charged to my account (banks closed for veteran's day?). There was no mention of shipping, I have called back the order line and customer service and representatives tell me that there is not an additional fee for shipping. When I tell them about the discrepancy on the website, they are not concerned. When I was on the phone ordering, both I and the representative where very clear what I was doing. A G1G1 and not a simple donation. My total was $798. I have to try and call customer service tomorrow and try to convince them to modify my order and charge me for shipping. I can't order online too just in case and then get a refund for the phone order as suggested because I don't have the funds to do that. This is really frustrating. I wish someone in an official capacity would explain what is going on with the shipping.


I think it might be best to order the two again online, from all that I've read. At least you won't lose out, and you can cancel the first order later, should the need arise. If you're unsure, definitely call them with your codes. Are they repetitive?

I do understand the funds issue, but your order won't get through online, anyways, if the first order is good, and the money's not there. So give it a go, and let us know how it went.

Good luck, Phil.

Hi folks,

Thanks for your post about the new XO laptop from the OLPC campaign.

If you're interested in winning one of these laptops, check out Razoo's "Good Travels" contest, which encourages travelers to do good while one the road. Five 2nd prize contest winners will receive the new XO laptop (and 5 laptops will be donated to children in developing nations).

By the way, the grand prize of the contest is a trip for two anywhere in the world to put good into action (via ResponsibleTravel.com).

You can learn more about it and enter here: http://beta.razoo.com/good_travels


Razoo. Come Together, Change Your World.

Info about Shipping and no Credit Card charge via Phone Order...

I ordered xo's over the phone. They did not charge me shipping. I actually called customer service and insisted that they add it to my order total. The first 3 representitives did not think that I should do that, but the last couple of reps believed that I should have and allowed me to do it. So I feel better about that now that I am being charged shipping.

The reps told me that it is so busy that they have not been able to process credit cards and that they probably won't get to it until Monday. Very strange. Can't they just batch them every night? At any rate. This means that my order is not processed (no confirmation email) and so I probably will not be one of those lucky people who get their XO's by X-mas, even though I called to place my order at 4:59am on the 12th. Sucks to have picked the wrong order method.

Brian, thanks for your suggestion. The debit card I used taps into my checking account. I have a couple of thousand in there, but the other money is spoken for with outstanding checks. If two orders are placed that are $849.90, bad things will happen. To top it off, I can only charge upt o $500 a day with my debit card, so in order to do this I had to get my maximum daily expenditure raised for this purchase. But that is only temporary and will last to the 15th. So I will have to go to my bank and periodically entend the raise until my order is processed. I am stuck with this order and doing everything I can to make it work. I would have placed the order vis the website, but when I refreshed xogining.org, at 4:59am, it was not ready to process orders so I called instead. Hah. 7 calls later to reps, and I am about to rip my hair out.

Could anybody email me (al.rivero@gmail.com) the email address of the G1G1 paypal account, ie the one they give you in the receipt of the paypal confirmation email? If so, I could try to buy directly and then set the right shipping address.

I worked on a similar project for Mercurial Innovations about 3 years ago. We were in contact with the MIT group. I think the OLPC product is an excellent design. The one I worked on will be available sometime but it is not targeted at the same market anymore I believe. The website is below.


I am really looking forward to receiving my XO computer and I would like to volunteer to write python science experiments using the built in oscilloscope function.

I am a crazy inventor and my website shows a lot of the craziness. This summer we launched Canada's first Hydrogen Assisted Sailboat.


Fun stuff

Hi, I paid via debit card and that went through fine but I've yet to see the UPS carrier and am so excited that its hard to wait...

Ok, so now that we have all ordered and paid has anyone recieved theirs yet?? If so how did you recieve it and did you get any sign that it was being sent?


Okay, I ordered online at the end of Dec. I was patient. I received an email that this was being shipped to me and two days after receiving the email I went online to track the order only to find it was DELIVERED a full week earlier. That means it was shipped and someone else got it before I even knew it was shipped!!! I've tried emailing to try to correct this problem TWICE! I can find no place to confirm the shipping address. Has anyone else had a similar problem? A full week now after being sent the email that it was to be shipped I have no laptop.
