Thanks to much hacking by the OLPC community, the XO laptop now supports several operating systems: Sugar, Sugar with Gnome desktop switch, Teapot's Ubuntu XFCE, DebXO, Xtra Ordinary 2010, Puppy Linux, Microcore Linux. But which one is the best? Recently, we had a OLPC News Forum Poll: Best OS for the XO? to figure that out.
Which OS do you think was the winner? I'll let Kim Toufectis explain:
First, it's great that there are so many choices. I was excited to try out Teapot's work, and enjoyed playing with XtraOrdinary as well (the first time I saw Chrome on the XO). Mavrothal's work in porting Puppy Linux breaks new ground for me by being compact enough to run in RAM without sacrificing anything dramatic, and being easy enough that a non-techie could play. For adults in the developed world, these options help us keep xo-1s in use, thus connected to the bigger agenda of a program to put learning tools in the hands of a generation that otherwise would have fewer options.
But keeping that bigger learning agenda in mind, I like keeping Sugar in the mix and so I choose Sugar with the GNOME desktop. In fact I use the GNOME interface on occasion, but because the folks that created Sugar for OLPC continue its development at SugarLabs, GNOME and other adult-centered alternatives to Sugar seem less important now than a year or so ago.
So do you use Sugar with the GNOME desktop or is there another OS that tickles your fancy?
Hey, why isn't Dextrose 2 even on the list?
Last year, Dextrose 1 was called Best OS Image Ever on OLPC News' forums. Dextrose 2 brings many new features and stability fixes.
Because who made the poll did not think of it that way i.e to distinguish between OLPC's and SugarLabs' Fedora/Sugar builds.
If you think it _should_ make another one...
Why wasn't Android included in the poll? Or ChromeOS? Or Meego? Geez. I was hoping I could just crowd source my job. Oh, well.
“Why wasn't Android included in the poll?”
Two reason.
The “wishware” pool is not up yet
Would be no contest