Resumen en español al final del artículo

Peter Robinson from Sugar Labs recently announced the availability of the latest and great version of Sugar on a Stick - v7 aka "Quandong" - which allows you to run Sugar on many x86 computers:
There's been a lot of work go into this release from a lot of communities from Fedora and all the Fedora 17 features that give us new and exciting hardware support to the Sugar Labs community and all the new features that come with the Sugar 0.96 release on which SoaS v7 is based.
The list of improvements and new features in SoaS v7 is certainly quite impressive:
- Based on Fedora 17 and it's new features
- Massively improved x86 Mac support
- Sugar 0.96 with initial support for GTK3 Activities and many other improvements
- Return of Browse, now based on WebKit
- The long awaited return of Read and inclusion of GetBooks
- Enhanced hardware support with the 3.3 kernel
- An increase in default Activities by nearly 50%
If you don't have an XO and want to use or simply toy around with Sugar then SoaS v7 is certainly the way to go. More information as well as the download links can be found on this page.
Thanks a lot to Peter, Kalpa, Thomas, and everyone else involved for all their hard work on making Sugar more accessible to anyone.
Resumen en español: Hace pocos dias que Peter Robinson de Sugar Labs anunció la disponibilidad de la versión más reciente de Sugar on a Stick - v7 también conocido como "Guandong" - que le permite ejecutar Sugar en muchos ordenadores x86. Más información y links para obtener Sugar on a Stick se encuentran en esta pagina.