Nicholas Doiron had a simple but amazing idea - Map Uganda. He wanted to educate the students of Kasiisi Primary School in an Environmental Sensing class to:
"bridge the gap between technical and personal perspectives by making a creative community map, and then draw several overlays on tracing paper. These overlays will demonstrate multiple uses of water, causes and effects of pollution, and ways to protect the environment. Producing a paper map will lay the foundation towards composing a digital map which can be shared with classmates, pen pals, and online mapping sites."
Did he succeed? Read his progress reports and take a look at these images, and you'll see his idea was brilliant and has inspired a generation of children to experience their environment as active participants in stewarding nature.
Step 1: Note that Kasiisi needed to be mapped in detail
Step 2: Get the students excited about mapping Kasiisi
Step 3: Map the community with XO laptops
Step 4: Create a Google map of Kasiisi
Check out the full map on Google