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eduJAM! summit 2011 group photo by Chris Ball
Last year's eduJAM! summit and associated Conozco Uruguay tour was without a doubt one of the greatest experiences I've ever had within the context of OLPC and Sugar. As such I was very happy when I heard a while ago that the folks behind it were busy preparing the eduJAM! 2012 summit.
Earlier this week they announced the full details of all the events which will take place in Montevideo in early May:
We're very close to eduJAM! 2012, which will take place in May in Montevideo, Uruguay. This time the summit doesn't stand on its own but is accompanied by a number of events which promise to provide enriching meeting opportunities.
- (May 7 and 8), organized by Flor de Ceibo. Flor de Ceibo is a group from the University of the Republic (Universidad de la República) which has brought together dozens of professors and hundreds of students from different backgrounds to collaborate on field projects supporting Plan Ceibal since 2008. This event is focused on discussing the group's vast experience together with invited international academics. The entire event is conducted in Spanish. More information:
- Conozco Uruguay Tour (May 9 and 10), organized by RAP Ceibal. Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal (Support Network for Plan Ceibal) is an organization of volunteers which has independently worked on supporting schools and community with a variety of activities (e.g. training and technical support) since the beginning of Plan Ceibal. For this event there will be a tour of various schools where Plan Ceibal has been implemented, visits of classes in small groups, and informal spaces for meeting with teachers. Volunteers will provide support for participants who only speak English. More information:
- eduJAM! (May 11 and 12) is organized by ceibalJAM!. This is the 2012 edition of the event which last year brought together the international educational free software community with participants from over 10 countries. The event is focused on - but not limited to - the OLPC and Sugar platforms. For developers it's a space to learn more about these platforms and discuss their future together with many of the technical heads behind them. For teachers and users of Sugar it's an opportunity to dive deeper into its enormous potential. Simultaneous Spanish/English translation will be provided. More information, registration, scholarships:
- Terrón Awards (May 12 at the end of eduJAM!). 20 programs developed by ceibalJAM! compete in four categories: JamUtility!, JamEducation!, JamFun!, and JamPupil! and submissions will be judged by a multidisciplinary jury. More information:
- Sugar Code Sprint (May 13 and 14). 48 hours to hack and develop on Sugar. Together with several giants there will be a special space for young developers which are fortunately increasing in numbers.
Registration and submission of contributions is now possible for all of these events. (For eduJAM! 2011 most participants confirmed their presence in the last two weeks.)
Scholarships as well as accommodation with local volunteers may be available for people who apply for them. Additionally, last year Sugar Labs awarded scholarships for funding travel for community members who applied for them. Instructions for how to apply for such a scholarship can be found here.
For inquiries please contact Facebook. Twitter.
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Unfortunately it looks like I won't be able to attend the summit this year as work here in Vienna is keeping me quite busy and flights to Montevideo are fairly expensive. However I'm really looking forward to following the summit from a distance and being able to read the main contributions afterwards.