On March 15, 2011, Bruce Baikie, founder of Green WiFi, re-visited an OLPC deployment at Ecole Notre Dame in M'boro, Senegal. This was the second trip to M'boro for Bruce, who had visited the school in 2009 just as teacher and student training was about to commence prior to the start of the school year.
Nearly two years later, the students were able to demonstrate advanced skills on the laptops, while the teachers gave an enthusiastic report of both how they've been able to use the computers in the classroom, and to take advantage of the Internet connectivity as well.
Even so, the school's headmaster and project champion, Pierre Khar Tine, also shared that there have been considerable issues with malfunctioning of laptop screens, keyboards, and power cords.
Bruce is currently working with the San Francisco OLPC Users Group to coordinate training on how to fix the laptops, so that a San Francisco local (working for TechSoup.org), who is relocating to Senegal this summer, can fix them on-site, and share the knowledge locally, so that maintenance and repair can be performed within the community in the future.